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Fire & EMS

Doug Campbell

Fire Chief


If you have any fire or EMS related questions, please feel free to reach out to our Fire Chief. At this time our fire and ems departments are staffed by volunteers. There are no set hours at the fire house, but our team is available to answer questions or meet with you upon request.

County Sheriff

Image by Michael Förtsch

E. Wayne Risner


Main Reception (M-F, 8am to 4pm):  419-289-6552

Non-Emergency/Speak with a Deputy (24/7):  419-289-3911

Corrections Division (24/7):  419-281-9009


Ashland County Sheriff’s Office

1205 East Main Street

Ashland, OH 44805



Submit a Tip:

The Office of the Sheriff and Corrections in Ashland County is a growing organization that serves all the residents of Ashland County. Our mission statement states that we will "provide quality law enforcement to all residents of Ashland County". Our agency has many different functions; we operate a state-of-the-art full-service jail with an inmate capacity of 127 inmates. Our enforcement division operates around the clock providing security for both residents and businesses and the common pleas court. Enforcement officers serve almost 2,800 criminal and civil process papers every year.

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